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SANDBOX for Middle School Library: Genre Wheel

A testing ground for the MS Library page for learning and new design ideas. NOT a public space guide!

Genre Wheel Information

The Genre Wheel assignment in 7th grade English is about choosing books that may be outside your normal reading choices. There are lots of resources here! In the center we have some examples of books available in the MS Library for each of the genres, and the new Diverse Perspectives category. There are many other options than we list here!

Getting Started

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2017 Genre Wheel Hints


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Genre Examples

A subcategory of non-fiction.

Autobiography is the true story of a person's life, written or told by that person.

Biography is the true story of a person's life told by another person.

Memoir is the true story of a particular time period in the author’s life.

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A book written by or about a person whose story in some way goes beyond the traditional markers of dominant culture in the U.S.

A story written by or about a person who identifies differently than you in one of the following ways: Race, Religion, Nationality, Ethnicity, Socio-economic Status, Gender, Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, Family Structure, Geographic differences, Language, Ability.

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Fiction that contains elements that are NOT realistic, such as talking to animals, magical powers, etc. Make-believe is what this genre is all about. 

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Made up stories that take place in a particular time period in the past. Often the basic setting is real but the characters are fictional. 

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A novel or story about a mysterious event or events, which are not explained until the end to keep the reader in suspense.

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Stories that take place in modern time. The characters are involved in events that could really happen.

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Often includes futuristic technology. Blends scientific fact with fiction. 

*Hover over the title to get a brief description of the book*

MS Librarian

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Sue Phillips
Upper School Library
503.297.1894 x4550 (circulation desk); (503)297-1894 x4100 (voicemail)