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English Subject Guide: Eng 12: Moby Dick



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What are databases?

English 12: Moby Dick

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this session, you should be able to:

  • find and use your LibGuide course page, database and other useful links
  • know where to find the books on reserve for your class, and how to use them
  • use your new list of keywords and phrases as ingredients in your search
  • identify which databases/search engines are a good fit for your research topic
  • broaden or narrow a search
  • find and read an abstract (if there is one)
  • print or email relevant academic articles 

(Illustration by Augustus Burnham Shute, 1891, for an edition of Moby Dick. Wikimedia Commons.)

Books on Reserve

These books are on reserve for your class on the Course Reserves rolling bookcart near the grandfather clock in the US Library.
Please follow the rules so everyone has access:

always check out books using the reserve slip, & LEAVE THE SLIP on the bookshelf

• borrow only by the block, or at the end of the school day for overnight loans

• return promptly by 8:30am the next school day

Brainstorm a list of keywords and phrases relevant to your topic, and include synonyms.  This is an essential step you should never skip.  Think about synonyms for your keywords and phrases.

Use quotation marks for exact phrases:

  • ex:  "white whale"

Wild cards find all versions of a word when added after the word's root:

  • ex:  moral* finds moral, morally, morality, moralizing, etc.
  • ex:  fanatic* finds fanatic, fanatics, fanatical, fanatically, etc.

Gather some synonyms
Think of synonyms for your search terms. If you're examining Ahab's mania, make a list of associated terms, including modern contexts.  Ex: mania, madness, "manic depressive," "mental health," sanity, insanity, etc.

Start with a general search, and narrow it down as you look through your results.

JSTOR search terms # of results
"moby-dick" 20,439 results (oh, no!)
"moby dick" melville 9,226
moby dick" melville omniscien* narrator prophecy 120+
moby dick" melville omniscien* narrat* prophecy (and choose Content I can Access, and Language: English to further trim the results) 31 (now that's more like it!)

Read abstracts when they are available.  These brief summaries of articles will save you time.  Note:  JSTOR does not provide abstracts for most of its articles.  Here is an example of a rare abstract from JSTOR (albeit on a different literary topic):

Anatomy of a JSTOR Search
Be sure to choose "Advanced Search," and consider narrowing your results to articles in English, and content you can access. 

Credentialing Your Sources
When reading JSTOR articles, this is an easier process. There are specific places to look for information on an author's academic affiliation with a college or university.  Sometimes it's at the top of the page, underneath the author's name.

At other times, it's after the body of the article, before the Notes or Works Cited sections. 

Web Sources

These are sometimes the hardest to find, as quality is all over the map. 

What's Reliable?
Credentialing your author to find out what they know is critical. Have you found an essay written by a high school student? Is it a master's degree thesis? Or, is this an article written by a highly experienced college professor who is an expert on the topic? 

Start with an Advanced Google Search
Don't waste your time with casual, sloppy searches. Be surgically precise. Instead of 4 million results, you might be lucky and get a few hundred!  Nonetheless, using what you've learned about search skills will save you time.



Your US Librarian

Profile Photo
Sue Phillips
Upper School Library
503.297.1894 x4550 (circulation desk); (503)297-1894 x4100 (voicemail)