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Science Subject Guide: Neurobiology



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Searching PubMed



We'll help you:

  • be able to brainstorm keywords and phrases relevant to your research topic
  • know which databases may be helpful for your research
  • understand how to narrow down or broaden a search

You will have much better results when you use the correct scientific vocabulary.  This is where Veronica can provide expert advice.

  • clarify your question
  • brainstorm keywords and phrases to fuel your search
  • select databases from the list provided
  • start with a broad search, and slowly narrow it down
  • learn from your searches.  steal keyword ideas by reading abstracts (brief summaries of the contents of the article).  

Ebsco & Gale Databases


Put phrases in quotation marks

Ex:  "geomagnetic field"

Ex:   "motor neuron"

Use truncation to grab all endings of a word

Ex:  function* finds function, functions, functionality, etc.

When possible, use MeSH (medical subject headings)

  • begin typing a keyword, and use the MeSH terms drop-down menu
  • let PubMed show you the options
  • you might combine MeSH terms with a keyword when necessary

Add limiters!

  • limit by date to dramatically reduce results to the freshest materials
  • limit by full-text

Now you have a modest number of up-to-date articles to peruse.  

EbscoHost Search Screen
This example is on other topics, but provides information about how to search successfully.


PubMed is a database managed by the US National Library of Medicine.  Here are some important things to know about PubMed:

  • It utilizes MeSH, or medical subject headings.  We'll show you how to search using MeSH in class. 
  • Not everything is full text.  There is a way to select Free Full Text to improve your results.
  • Review articles are important when learning about the research in the field.  They summarize important developments.

PubMed Search Screen

Need help with your research?  Katy is your subject expert.  Katy, Sue and Derek can help you with research strategies.  Ask us!

Choosing Databases

You need to select the right tool for the right job.  Different databases search for different kinds of content.  For Neurobiology, here are some of the most useful databases to use.
NOTE:  Click on LOGINS & PASSWORDS at the left when logging into databases.
  PRO TIP:  The EbscoHost databases allow you to select and search multiple databases simultaneously.


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A Note About Google Scholar
Many beginners at research think GoogleScholar is a great tool for scientific research.  That is a mistake.  Show your sophistication by knowing how to use better tools such as PubMed.  Here's a comparison between the two:

PubMed GoogleScholar
  • uses a controlled vocabulary (improves accuracy of results)
  • omits duplicates in its results
  • clear, scholarly standards for including research in the database
  • strong options for limiters for precise searches

• no controlled vocabulary
• includes duplicates in results
• standards are vague and not shared with users
• far fewer limiters reduce precision of results

Need help?  Confused? Katy is your subject expert.  Katy, Sue and Derek can help you with research.  Just ask.

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Sue Phillips
Upper School Library
503.297.1894 x4550 (circulation desk); (503)297-1894 x4100 (voicemail)