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Upper School Library: Fac/Staff

Library Info

Fall 2023

LIBRARY HOURS: Mon., Tues. & Thurs:  7:30am-4:30pm;
Wed: 7:30am-3:20pm (afternoon faculty meeting);

Fri: 7:30am-4pm.
CLOSED on non-class days.


Welcome, colleagues!

(the Phillips/Nguyen C&C in past years)

Colleagues:  Click on the Faculty drop-down menu above to find the Faculty Guide to the US Library to learn more about our services to support your teaching.

About our US Library:  We manage an active and busy space for teenagers, teachers, and all Catlin employees to use.  The US Library offers group study spaces focusing on collaborative work, as well as a quiet area for those who need to think, read, and write in peace.  You are most welcome to come in to work. 

Please let me know how I can help you.

-Sue, US Librarian



Your US Librarian

Profile Photo
Sue Phillips
Upper School Library
503.297.1894 x4550 (circulation desk); (503)297-1894 x4100 (voicemail)